
Freelancer meet in Cumilla

Upay, UCB focus on solutions to offer some respite for freelancers

Friday, 3 May 2024

Popular mobile financial service provider upay and United Commercial Bank PLC recently organised a freelancer meet to highlight the growth of the industry, discuss the different struggles of those involved in freelancing and the need for addressing the issues through time-befitting solutions and banking services.
The meet was organised at the Comilla Club located in Kandirpar, Cumilla, says a press release.
Around 100 freelancers from adjoining areas took part in the event and shared their woes. Along with the freelancers, upay and UCB bank's local branch officials were present at the event.
Themed as 'Freelancers' Contribution to Building Smart Bangladesh and MFS as Growth Facilitator', the event focused on different pertinent issues related to freelancing. Freelancers in the country have to face different problems including payment issues through banking channels and lack of recognition.
Speakers at the event underscored the need for giving due importance to the freelancers for materialising the Smart Bangladesh vision.
Through the UCB Swadhin Account (Foreign Currency Account for the freelancer) and MFS platform, freelancers will find convenient solutions to address their problems.