
US immigration bill crashes down

Saturday, 30 June 2007

WASHINGTON, June 29 (AFP): The US Senate dealt a severe blow to President George W. Bush Thursday, blocking a landmark immigration reform seen as one of his last, best hopes for a legacy-boosting second term victory.
Senators voted 53 to 46 against keeping the bill alive, a stunning repudiation of the attempt to grant a path to citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants. The move likely ends Senate action on the issue before 2009.
After weeks of emotional debate the bipartisan backers of the measure fell well short of the 60 vote super-majority needed to move the bill, branded by opponents as an "amnesty," towards a final vote.
Bush, whose ebbing power hampered his bid to persuade more than 12 fellow Republicans to support the measure, appeared to admit defeat.
"Congress's failure to act on it is a disappointment," said Bush, beset by rock bottom approval ratings and battling Congress on multiple fronts, including over Iraq and over fired federal prosecutors.
"A lot of us worked hard to see if we could find common ground. It didn't work. Congress really needs to prove to the American people that it can come together on hard issues," Bush said.
Hours before the vote, the US Capitol's telephone switchboard was jammed by thousands of calls from groups and individuals for and against the bill, reflecting its fiercely divisive impact on US politics.
Republican Senator David Vitter, who worked to thwart the bill, said the message was "crystal clear" that Americans wanted action to secure borders before helping out illegal immigrants already in the country.
"They want action, they want results, they want proof, because they've heard all the promises before."
Fellow rebel Senator Jim DeMint added: "The Senate rejected this bill, and the heavy handed tactics used to ram it through."
Senator Arlen Specter, a Republican who supported the measure, had warned that if the vote did not succeed, "the bill is dead" with a tense political climate looming in the run-up to the 2008 elections.
But his ally on the issue, veteran Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy said that immigration reform was inevitable, though it might take years.
"We will be back. This issue is not going away. This is really a part of a whole march for progress for our nation and the country." he said.
The measure had staggered in the Senate for weeks, collapsing once before earlier this month under fierce opposition, mainly from conservatives.
Democrats from conservative districts also found it difficult to support the bill, and some fretted at the terms of its "low wage" guest worker programme.