
US senator warns France's Macron over gas exports deal delay

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

WASHINGTON, Nov 03 (Reuters): Any French involvement in holding up a multi-billion dollar natural gas deal over environmental concerns could damage the country's trade ties with the United States, a Republican senator has warned in a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron.
Reuters and other media outlets reported last month that the French government asked power group Engie to delay signing a 20-year, $7.0 billion US liquefied natural gas (LNG) import contract because of concerns about US environmental regulatory rollbacks.
"If reports are true, the intervention could have negative implications for the future of trade between our two great countries," Senator Kevin Cramer said in a letter sent to Macron, a copy of which was seen by Reuters.
The French embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Engie's contract would be with NextDecade Corp, which is expected to decide soon whether to build a proposed Rio Grande LNG export plant in Texas.
Cramer is a Republican representing North Dakota, a large oil and gas producing state, and an ally of President Donald Trump.