
US wants to know measures taken on GSP action plan

Monday, 21 October 2013

Rezaul Karim The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has requested Bangladesh to inform US within November 15 of the measures taken in line with Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) action plan, official sources said. "The USTR will review Bangladesh's progress in respect to the GSP action plan in November and December of 2013. USTR invites the government of Bangladesh to submit information by November 15 regarding steps taken or being taken with respect to specific aspects of the action plan to afford internationally recognised worker rights," according to the letter of the embassy of the United States of America (USA). "Given the current worldwide suspension of the GSP program, USTR does not plan to hold a formal hearing on Bangladesh, but will take into account information submitted by the government of Bangladesh and other stakeholders in its November/December review," US embassy letter said. An inter-ministerial meeting will be held on US government GSP action for preparing a position paper in this regard soon, sources said. In this connection, the embassy of the USA sent a letter to the ministry of foreign affairs (MoFA) on October 7. MoFA sent the letter to the ministry of commerce on October 13 for taking necessary steps. "The United States is very interested in working with the government of Bangladesh to restore GSP benefits at the earliest appropriate time based on progress made to address the items in the action plan as this plan communicates actions the USG encourages the government of Bangladesh to take in order to form a basis for reinstating benefits," the letter also said. The timetable under which reinstatement could occur depends on how quickly the government of Bangladesh implements the action plan, the letter added. "The USTR has arranged a review hearing on the suspended GSP to be held in November and December, 2013. Under the circumstances, progress on preparing action plan is not advancing well. But, the concerned government officials are trying their best to prepare it according to the plan given by the USTR," an official of the commerce ministry told the FE. At present, Bangladesh is now getting EU's GSP facility only. The US suspended its GSP facility on June 27 this year due mainly to industrial disasters such as the Rana Plaza collapse and Tazreen garment factory fire. If safe working environment is established and living standards of the workers are improved, the US might restore the GSP facility to Bangladesh, sources said.