
Venezuela's Chavez visits Iran on anti-American tour

Monday, 2 July 2007

TEHRAN, July 1 (AFP): Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez arrived in Tehran late Saturday for the third time during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a fellow fiery critic of the US, Iranian television reported.
Chavez, accompanied by his foreign, communication, energy, industry and economy ministers, was met at the airport by Iranian Industries Minister Ali-Reza Tahmasbi, the television said.
During the two-day visit, the last leg of a tour that has taken Chavez to Russia and Belarus-both recently at loggerheads with the US-he will hold talks with top Iranian officials and discuss bilateral, international and regional issues, Iranian media said.
Iran is OPEC's fourth largest crude producer while Venezuela is also a major player in the cartel and the two countries enjoy warm ties and cooperation in the energy sector.
During the visit, the countries are expected to sign a number of agreements including for the construction of 7,000 houses, a petrochemical plant and a vocational training centre in Venezuela.
Venezuelan Ambassador to Tehran Arturo Anibal Gallegos Ramiraz told the official IRNA news agency that Chavez's visit was "aimed at bolstering mutual cooperation in economic, industrial and political fields."
"Iran and Venezuela through exchange of visits can prove that their relations are at the best possible level," he said.
Chavez is the most vocal cheerleader in Latin America for Iran and its nuclear programme, which is feared by the West to be a cover for weapons development.
The trip comes at a time when Iran is threatened with toughened UN Security Council sanctions for its continued refusal to freeze controversial nuclear work.