
Waiting for competent and tolerant leaders

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Nuder Nowar Nizam
BANGLADESH got her independence after a nine month war of liberation which was fought against the Pakistani military in 1971. It took the blood of three million people to gain freedom from the tortures of the Pakistani army. Many politicians dedicated their wealth and life for the war. At last we gained victory after long, bloody nine months war on 16th December, 1971. But it is shocking to see that people are still giving their lives even after 36 years of independence. It is more shocking that the top leaders for whose contribution Bangladesh got independence were killed by some mislead and vain people for personal and political gain.
Among those leaders, Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujbur Rahman and General Ziaur Rahman are worth mentioning. The nation got first shock when Sheikh Mujib, the president of Bangladesh, was killed by some ill-motivated men on 15th August, 1975. Another shock followed, on 31" May, 1981, when the following president, Gen. Ziaur Rahman was killed in the same way.
These two great leaders gave their lives for the betterment of their country. After their death, Sheikh Mujib's daughter and Ziaur Rahman's wife took over the places of the former leaders of Awami League and BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party). It is very sad that due to ideological difference in politics, these two leaders cannot stand each other. This hatred gradually caused many political struggles. The two parties quarreled and murdered the members of the other party, as if they were in a bloody war, and this unfortunately lead to the death of many innocent lives. SchoolS and colleges were all closed for days together due to political disturbance. This disturbed the chance of education of the bright students and future leaders of Bangladesh. This was also shocking for the students' community of Bangladesh. They never thought about the common people of Bangladesh, they only thought about money and power. They never showed mercy to the members of the opposition party. Shocks like this always happen in Bangladesh. But the most shocking and catastrophic event that I had ever seen in my life took places a few months ago.
It was when the supporters of one party beat up the people of another party to death, with things like sticks and paddles, and later crushed them with the heels of their boots. They behaved like wild dogs and fierce, blood-thirsty hyenas. They had beaten up an unfortunate young man to death, with paddles, just like six to seven people beating up a harmless and helpless snake to death. Not only that, even worse, they started jumping and dancing over and around the body in fierce joy. This horrible incident took place in front of hundreds of people on 28t' October, 2006. This was broadcast around the world, and everyone including me, was shocked by their attitude towards other human-beings. It is horrible to think that there are people like this in our country.
Dr. Md. Yunus has won a Nobel Prize for peace in the world as a Bangladeshi in the same month. But, where is the main thing, the peace of Bangladesh?
Our sweet motherland is turning into a living hell, all because it has such people to destroy it. That is the reason why most of the countries in the world are well-developed, prosperous and dignified, and we are not, although we should have been the best.
Let us hope and pray to Almighty Allah so that our political leaders become truly competent, tolerant and benevolent in the future. Let us also hope that they would not present any more shocks to the country. Let them think and work for the development of Bangladesh, so that we can hold our heads high as the dignified citizens of Bangladesh.
Nuder Nowar Nizam is a student of class VII at Scholastica School, Dhaka.