

Why are there so many fires?

Neil Ray | Monday, 8 April 2019

It is difficult to keep count of the fires breaking out almost on a daily basis -- at times two or more a day -- in the city since the massive blaze at FR Tower in Banani. The FR Tower fire followed another such stupendous devastation at Churihatta, Chowkbazar with a gap of more than a month. So far as the casualties are concerned, Churihatta fire claimed the greatest number of lives -71 in total and the FR Tower 26. Hundreds more were injured in the two incidents of fire.
Fortunately for people affected by fires elsewhere in the city, no casualty among them was reported. Some of the numerous fires that have broken out by this time including the fire at Tropicana Tower, housing this newspaper, caused minor or negligible damages. But the fires at DNCC market, Kawranbazar market, Shantinagar market and Khilagaon market have wrought as much devastation as has left many of the traders there financially ruined. Agony and frustration are writ large on the faces of traders who were storing their shops and godowns with commodities in preparation for the coming holy month of Ramzan. Traders of some of the markets like the DNCC market and Kawran Bazar had suffered similar losses before. Traders of the DNCC market were yet to recuperate from the devastation they suffered only a couple of years ago.
Now why do fires break out so frequently? Usually in summer any crowded place becomes a potential tinder box. It is no secret that the city slums more often than not fall victim to devastating fires. Buildings were never as vulnerable as slums. Already two slums in the city experienced the wrath of fire. But now one after another building is catching fire. Such frequent fires have given rise to all kinds of speculations. Some rumour mongers and conspiracy theorists -beside politically motivated persons-have even found sabotage at least behind a few fires including the one at the DNCC market.
If a conspiracy theory has to be dismissed, there is a need for a scientific explanation of such fires. What are the exact reasons for fire stalking the city? Is it because the summer heat causes short-circuit or the voltage fluctuations may have a role to play in the matter? Laymen are unlikely to come up with an acceptable explanation. If there is a silence over this matter, some people will try to fill the vacuum with outrageous stories. Some will misinterpret religion, other would cook up stories of supernatural forces that are taking revenge for human misdeeds. The message that no curse has befallen the city should get across as soon as possible. After all, there is no place for fatalism or pessimism in a matter where supply of power is concerned.
So it is essential that experts broke their silence over the breaking out of fires so frequently. The reasons also have to be pinpointed in the interest of avoiding more such fires in the future. If the cause of the fires cannot be identified, how can a remedy be suggested? When the Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA) is contacted, they usually advise a thorough check of loose connection or at best replacement of old wires. One cannot be sure if that is all to prevent fires from breaking out in a residential or commercial building or high-rise. The situation of uncertainty in the matter of fires -no matter if those originate from gas leak or power connections -has to be brought down to the minimum possible level.