
Women\\\'s empowerment in our society

Sarwar Md Saifullah Khaled | Saturday, 7 December 2013

The matters that have raised heated discussions in the twenty-first century are many. But the question of empowering or raising the capability of the womenfolk occupies here a prominent place. Not only is the emancipation of women from the sub-human standard of life, but ensuring the participation of women in policy making for solving socio-economic and political problems is also considered important. Raising the capability of women means to ensure a healthy social environment in every sphere of society, so that the womenfolk can gain the opportunity of becoming the spokespersons for their rights to freedom and the dignity of life.
The concept of empowering women is not against men, it is against the system of 'paternity'. Its aim is to prevent the men from playing the role of oppressors and exploiters. After a radical change, the men will play the role of household affairs and groom children on the basis of equal rights and responsibility. Side by side, the women will equally take part in the discharge of duties of the men.
In empowering the women in socio-economic and political field, Bangladesh has earned applause from the entire world. On the other hand, in the international arena, there are about more than twenty women heads of government and state in the entire world. Russian female astronaut Velentina Terescova surprised the world by conquering space. Two Bangladeshi female mountaineers planted the flag of the country at the peak of the Himalayas --- the Everest. According to the estimate of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, there are 170 million working women in Bangladesh. Both the head of the government and the opposition leader in Bangladesh are women, along with the Speaker of the national assembly. Millions of women are making extraordinary contributions to our society and the national economy. The womenfolk of this country are rendering health and education services along with working at government and private offices, banks, the judiciary and at many high-profile government agencies. They are holding a lot of important positions. The lion's share of the foreign exchange is being earned by millions of tireless hard-working female workers in the garment sector, thus playing a vital role in the Bangladesh economy. These female workers are now capable of standing on their own feet. The skilful activities of the Bangladesh female workers have earned praise from foreign countries.
The women of Saudi Arabia these days are reportedly driving motor cars. The women in Iran, Egypt, along with Pakistan, are famed in the area of sports. Bangladeshi women are taking part in the 'cricket world cup'. They are more advanced to some extent in the FIFA ranking than the males.
Nevertheless, though equal rights for men and women have been ensured in the Constitution of the country, in practice it is not followed in the true spirit. Islam also ensures equal rights for men and women provided they maintain Hizab. In Al al-Qur'an a clause "men have a degree over them" (al-Qur'an, 2:228) does not refer to the superiority of men over women but to the responsibility. This responsibility shall be performed with the mutual consent between the husband and the wife. This is expressed in the intrinsic meaning of the ayah, "They are your garments and ye are their garments" (al-Qur'an, 2:187); "meaning: husband and wife will increase one another's glamour by hiding one another's gilts and faults - this is akin to the relation between hand-gloves and the hands" (Zakir Naik, Lecture, 2010, P. 426). The rights of husband and wife are equal in the eye of Islam (al-Qur'an, 4:19). But a section of the conservative elements lacking true knowledge of Islamic canons is in favour of suppressing the womenfolk resulting in obstacles to ensuring the genuine status of women in society.
Moreover, in a country with 92 per cent Muslims, the womenfolk are the most insecure in society. It is regrettable that there has been no positive change in our attitude to the womenfolk in the country. The women lack security everywhere. They do not dare to move out of homes alone. If a woman goes out after sunset, the members of her family remain worried until she returns home. The malicious attitude towards women is on the increase. Whatever may be the advancement of civilisation from the point of view of progress in knowledge, science and technology, the mentality of human being in many respects has been narrowed down. To speak of women, hostility and violence against them, coupled with deprivation, disparity and other injustices
have increased manifold. It is futile to hope for a better and peaceful society without justifiably evaluating the status of women in a society.
Nowadays, not only in the international sphere, but also at local levels in Bangladesh, in the case of issues of policy determinations to solve various problems facing society, the role of women is being given due importance.
In spite of this, the killing of women, rape cases, and various types of oppression are on the increase.
What is urgent is to educate people in religious canons, which guarantee appropriate rights of women in a society at home and outside, as well as the responsibility of men towards women's rights. It is necessary for the conscious people to consider the practical aspects as to where lies the position and status of women in a society, and educate the public to that end. It is wrong to blindly follow the Western fashion when it comes to women's rights. In today's global economy, women are converted to commodities and are much more ill-treated. According to many, whatever we see as being 'negative' in our society today in so far as women's rights, status and security is concerned are, in one way or another, the bad effects of the jet-age, advanced economies. We have to find a solution to this dilemma in our traditional, socio-religious and cultural value judgements.
The writer is a retired Professor of Economics, BCS General Education Cadre.
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