
World Autism Awareness Day and Bangladesh

Muhammad Quamrul Islam | Saturday, 16 April 2016

Satellite channel RTV in its program on Autism telecast on April 2, 2016, the 9th World Autism Awareness Day, we watched a programme participated by affected parents. We listened to concerned State Minister, an NGO leader and other officials on one side and questions from affected parents from the other side in a very lively environment. Affected mother Ms Monira moderated the discussions efficiently. Questions put up in the programme touched our heart, since I was associated with Autism centred activities for a long time and have been writing in newspapers.
The burning question that came up in the programme was: What would happen to autistic children and adults when their mother would be no more in this world. Participants requested the state to take responsibility, build residential accommodations for them and provide suitable vocations for them. The State Minister agreed that it is state's responsibility, where parents and society are natural partners in accomplishing this task, for which effective steps are being taken now. Another mother was in agony informed that a School asked her to take away her child aged 18 as others were being disturbed. She fought a court case and won but it is yet to be implemented. An NGO leader replied that she would extend her cooperation. Another gentleman narrated a tragic experience saying that government comes and goes, but nothing happens. Everybody present in the programme nodded. There are laws but those are not implemented and this is the bottleneck we should overcome by self purification at each level.
Bangladesh has observed the Day keeping its appropriate theme like other countries of the world. The government of Sheikh Hasina has taken up a comprehensive plan to integrate the autistic children to the mainstream development activities. It has set up autism resource centre, enacted laws and rules to protect the autism affected people. At Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, a centre has been opened to identify autistic children and impart training.
Unaware of autistic children our society had negative attitudes towards them. The guardians made voluntary efforts with their limited means to improve the situation. By the grace of Almighty the actions taken by PM Sheikh Hasina has emboldened us to bring about a change in the mindset of people and work for the autistic children and their parents. It is a matter of great relief as the feelings of affected parents found expression in the voice of Sheikh Hasina when she in her inaugural speech marking the Day on April 2 at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in e capital made a commitment to take responsibility of orphan autistic children on behalf of the state.
At UN General Assembly a proposal titled 'socio-economic assistance for autism affected child' has been adopted. This proposal was tabled by Saima Hossain, daughter of our PM. She is Chairperson of National Advisory Committee of Global Autism Public Health initiative in Bangladesh. She has been awarded 'Excellence in Public Health Award' by WHO, which has undoubtedly brightened our humanitarian image in the world.
The Prime Minister expressed her belief that autistic children and adult would turn out to be of immense potentialities instead of being burden in the society given affection, love and care. She called upon national-international organizations, voluntary organizations and all sections of the society to come forward for welfare of autistic children along side the government.  In response, to PM's call, two voluntary organizations in Dhaka have come forward. 'Autism Welfare Foundation (AWF)' and 'Beautiful Mind' are centres of excellence for autistic children and adults and pioneers in this field. Other centres in Dhaka, Chittagong and different districts are also coming up.
To share our experience, we attended on an invitation by Chairperson, Autism Welfare Foundation (AWF), Muhammadpur, to celebrate 9th World Autism Awareness Day and a golden decade of AWF at Shilpakala Academy on April 4. We were deeply impressed by both the programmes where autistic children presented their lovely performance in two cultural functions. We thanked them and prayed for their continued success. The Magazine Kanan published by AWF is worth reading for reference by the affected guardians and concerned researchers. Well known 'Beautiful Mind' at Uttara arranged annual sports for autistic children few weeks back in a playground and the events were really exhilarating. The organization observes different occasions. Bengali New Year'd Day Pahela Boishakh is celebrated at its premises with cultural function, traditional fair of products made by students, teachers and guardians.
It is really encouraging we are progressing well and expect all quarters to participate in implementation of the projects and allow the affected children and families to enjoy benefits of the projects.  The project card intended to help the poor parents to meet their financial needs in pilot area/s need to be closely monitored and evaluated so that corruption free full proof system is evolved. I shall appeal again to all to come up and take part in this task and achieve the goal set nationally and globally. It is to be ensured that in every regional and global meeting the affected mothers are taken, among whom there are experienced physicians, psychologists, and technical and other professionals to provide inputs for successful outcome of the meetings.

The writer is an economist and socio-political activist. E-mail: [email protected]