
Prof Yunus launches partnership with Milano Cortina Winter Olympic

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Nobel laureate Professor Yunus has visited Venice and Milan to finalise the partnership between Milan Cortina Winter Olympic and Yunus Sports Hub, reports UNB.
During his visit to Venice on March 18, Prof Yunus was the honorary host of the launch event of Impact 2026, the social procurement programme delivered as a partnership between Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 (organizer of the 2026 winter Olympic and Paralympic Games), Yunus Sports Hub and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.
The aim of the programme is to make sure that social businesses benefit from the economic opportunities of the 2026 Games.
He opened the event with a keynote speech promoting the concept of social business and the world of three zeros in sports. The event was hosted by the Ca'Foscari University of Venice, the Veneto region and the City of Venice, said a press release.