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DSE/CSE News in Brief (10-09-2019)

September 10, 2019 00:00:00


Board Meeting

The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd.: A board meeting of the company will be held on September 19, 2019 at 3:30 pm to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the company for the year ended on June 30, 2019.

Transfer Intention

Rupali Life Insurance Company Limited: Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman, one of the sponsor directors of the company, has expressed his intention to transfer 4,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 18,12,943 shares of the company to his son Mr. Mahem Rahman Zim, by way of gift outside the trading system of the exchange within 30 working days from the date of issuance of approval letter by DSE.

Buy/ Sale Confirmation

Prime Finance & Investment Ltd.: Mr. Mohammad Masudur Rahim, nominated director from East Coast Shipping Lines, has reported that he has completed his buying of 40,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price through stock exchange as per declaration disseminated on 02.09.2019.

Mr. Md. Aliuzzaman, one of the sponsors of the company, has reported that he has completed his sale of 40,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price through stock exchange as per declaration disseminated on 02.09.2019.

Withdrawal of authorised representative

IDLC Securities Ltd.: The company (DSE TREC No. 58) has withdrawn one of its authorisd representatives, Ms. Nasrin Nahar, with immediate effect.


Buy Confirmation

Peoples Insurance Company Ltd.: Mr. Jafar Ahmed Patwari, one of the directors of the company, has further reported that he has completed his buy of 50,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price through stock exchange as per declaration disseminated on 01.09.2019.

Buy Intention

Federal Insurance Co. Ltd.: Mr. Jashim Uddin, one of the sponsors of the company, has reported his intention to buy 1,12,900 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the public market) through DSE within next 30 working days.

Bank Asia Limited: Mrs. Farhana Haq, one of the sponsor directors of the bank, has reported her intention to buy 85,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price (In the Block market) through DSE within next 30 working days.

— DSE/CSE Online

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