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EBL wins IFC awards

November 11, 2018 00:00:00

Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) has received two prestigious global awards - "2017 Best issuing Bank Partner-South Asia" and "2017 Best Trade Operations Bank Partner-South Asia" from international Finance Corporation (lFC) of World Bank Group.

EBL earlier received several esteemed awards from IFC including the "Best partner for working capital systemic solutions WCSS)", "Most Active GTFP issuing Bank in South Asia", "Most Active issuing Bank in Agribusiness" and "Best GTFP issuing Bank in South Asia".

Rated by International Rating Agency 'Moody's', EBL has been maintaining long term relationship with IFC to help facilitate the international trade and OBU businesses of its clients.

EBL is closely working with various other international financial organisations including German based-DEG, ADB, FMO, French Develop-ment Bank (Proparco), leading DFIs to develop innovative products and build up prominent OBU, FI and trade businesses, said a statement.

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