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New sr vice president of ICSB

September 25, 2018 00:00:00

Safiar Rahman

The Council of The Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) elected Safiar Rahman FCS as its new senior vice-president recently, according to a statement.

Mr. Rahman is working as Deputy Managing Director (DMD) and Company Secretary of Eastern Bank Limited (EBL).

He started his career in the then BOL, later on changed to BOC (Bangladesh) Limited, a British MNC, thereafter joined ICI Group, another British MNC, which was changed to ACI Group in Bangladesh as chief accountant. He worked in few other local group companies including some NBFIs and local Conglomerate Sun Man Group as General Manager, Dhaka.

He has over 35 years of experience in the field of finance/accounting and corporate affairs. He has been associated with EBL as the company secretary since 2002.

He is a fellow member (FCS), a council member and the present chairman of Education Committee, ICSB. He attended a number of training/seminars and conferences both at home and abroad (Asia, Europe and Australia).

Mr. Rahman is looking forward to his new role. "I am delighted to take over the role of Sr. Vice President of ICSB. I would like to thank my predecessor Mr. Mohammad Bul Hassan FCS, Immediate Past Sr. Vice President, ICSB. I am looking forward to continuing in supporting the ICSB Council," he said.

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