Bangladesh is expecting to get US$ 2.2 billion from Green Climate Fund (GCF) for implementation of 48 projects as it has finalised the country programme (CP) prioritising adaptation to the impacts of climate change, officials said.
However, a good number of mitigation projects have also been included in the CP, they added.
The advisory committee of the national designated authority (NDA) of Bangladesh at a recent meeting approved the CP, prepared by the government with technical support from UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
The total cost of implementation of the projects will be US$ 3.2 billion. Bangladesh will have to invest $ 1.0 billion from its own exchequer or to mobilise funds from other development partners.
According to officials, until now Bangladesh has been granted GCF funding amounting to $ 85 million against three projects out of a total cost of $ 192.2 million.
The projects are: enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change-induced salinity, climate-resilient infrastructure mainstreaming in Bangladesh, global clean cooking programme - Bangladesh.
Officials said at the initial stage, some 71 projects got place in the CP document. But when the details about the projects were sought, only 48 came up with the final submission.
They said some five entities are in the process to become national implementing agencies of the projects funded by GCF. They are: Department of Environment (DoE), Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (BCCTF) and Suitable Entity from Private Sector.
When contacted over telephone, UNDP's climate change advisor A K M Mamunur Rashid told the FE that both adaptation and mitigation projects have been included in the Bangladesh's country programme for GCF in line with the country's priority, national policy and plans like BCCSAP, NDC and CIP.
Asked behind the reason for inclusion of mitigation projects when per capita greenhouse gas emission in Bangladesh is very minimal, he said Bangladesh's intended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is committed to reducing emission by 15 per cent within 2030 with the support of international climate finance.
"Adaptation is clearly a national priority, which is also well represented in the CP but mitigation is a global commitment of Bangladesh under 'common but differentiated responsibilities' for reducing emission, outlined in the NDC," Mr Rashid said.
"So, the national designated authority and its advisory committee decided to keep both adaptation and mitigation programmes in the CP," he added.
Mr Rashid, however, said the number of mitigation projects in the CP is much lesser compared to the adaptation programme, which clearly corresponds with Bangladesh's position on international climate change negotiations.
"Mitigation projects are mostly coming from the private sector. The interest of private sector is gradually increasing.
I am hopeful that in the coming years, private sector will place more proposals which will include more adaptation projects as well mitigation projects beyond solar systems and improved cook stove," he said.
Mr Rashid also mentioned that this CP document should not be seen as a document for GCF only, but this can be a pipeline for Bangladesh which can help it diversify international climate finance source beyond GCF.
The approved country programme mentioned that Bangladesh has repeatedly ranked among the most vulnerable countries due to the impacts of climate change around the globe.
The susceptibility and vulnerability of the country to climate change impacts are shaped by its geographic and climatic characteristics exacerbated by the socio-economic situation of a large number of the population living in poverty.
Nearly 88 per cent of the landmass of Bangladesh consists of flood plain that sits in the world's largest delta, which makes the country predominantly flat and low-lying.
Most of its areas are less than 10-metre above sea level with most of the coastal belts being less than 2.0-metre above sea level.
The key climate change impacts projected to affect the country are: variations in air and ocean temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, intensification of extreme weather phenomena like cyclones and sea level rise.
"These observed and projected climate change impacts in the country could undermine the gained development efforts and will hamper the Vision 2021 aspirations," it noted.
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