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FICCI to help achieve BD’s dev goals

FE Report | April 29, 2019 12:00:00

Planning Minister M A Mannan, Foreign Investors' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) president Shehzad Munim, former FICCI presidents, executive committee members, foreign delegates and diplomats posing at the FICCI's 55th anniversary programme at a city hotel on Saturday

The foreign investors in Bangladesh have expressed the interest to extend their support to the country in achieving its development goals.

Foreign Investors' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) president Shehzad Munim offered the support while speaking at the trade body's 55th anniversary programme at a city hotel on Saturday.

Since its inception, the FICCI as a premier body of foreign investors is here to extend full support to the government in promoting foreign direct investment," he said.

"In the process, it intends to aid the development of Bangladesh through its activities and member organisations."

Planning Minister M A Mannan, former FICCI presidents, executive committee members, foreign delegates and diplomats were present on the occasion.

Planning Minister M A Mannan appreciated FICCI's contribution in the country's development, saying that FICCI has been involved in numerous crucial activities to make Bangladesh more trade friendly and attract more foreign companies to invest in the nation of possibilities.

The FICCI started its journey on 1st July 1963. Back then, it was called "Agrabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry" as Agrabad in Chattogram was the commercial hub.

But in 1987, the chamber shifted to Dhaka and was named Foreign Investors' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). FICCI is the trusted hub for any foreign investor as a source of insight, prospect and development in accordance to Bangladesh.

With over 200 members, currently FICCI comprises of over 85 per cent of all FDIs coming into Bangladesh and influences over 3.0 million lives directly and indirectly.

It contributes 30 per cent of total internal revenue and four out of the five top revenue contributing sectors are represented by the FICCI members.

Be it fast moving consumer products, services, telecommunication or financial institution, FICCI organisations are touching lives of millions of Bangladeshis every day, every moment.

FICCI awarded Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), National Board of Revenue (NBR) and Bangladesh Police Force to appreciate the efforts of the organisations and personalities who have worked relentlessly to make people's lives better.

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