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November 21, 2018 00:00:00

Speakers on Tuesday urged the government to ensure necessary protection measures for the women migrant workers who are contributing a lot to the country's remittance earnings. The women workers are not secured at their workplaces, especially in the Middle East countries, they said. The rights activists raised the concern at a consultation on the 'Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and Adaptation of Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)' at the city's CIRDAP auditorium, organised by WARBE Development Foundation (WARBE DF). Addressing the meeting as chief guest, Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque pointed out that migration is a highly political issue and said violation of human rights in this regard should be dealt with politically. He informed the meeting that the government has drafted a mechanism for adapting to the GCM in Bangladesh context, and said the civil society could conduct advocacy in this regard. Bangladeshi Ovhibashi Mohila Sramik Association Director Sumaiya Islam said that women migrants are being abused by their employers in the job destination countries. "Why do the employers torture our women?" Ms. Islam posed a question and demanded of the government to take necessary measures to stop such unethical practices immediately. WARBE DF Secretary General Faruque Ahmed said that many times the victim women face difficulties while returning back home from the job destination countries. Presiding over the meeting, Additional Secretary at the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment Ahmed Munirus Salehin said they were improving services to the workers. — FE Report

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