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Thrust on enhancing trade, economic ties with Greece

FE Report | February 07, 2019 00:00:00

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi on Wednesday stressed the need for strengthening trade and economic relations with Greece, a European country.

"There is huge opportunity to enhance the trade and economic ties between the two countries," he told reporters, after a view-exchange meeting with Greece Ambassador to Bangladesh Panos Kalogeropoulos at the minister's secretariat office.

Some Bangladeshi items are being exported to the European country but in a limit scale, the minister said, adding that there are demands for items like RMG, processed foods, ships, fish, shoes, plastic products and furniture.

He said Bangladesh is interested to increase bilateral trade with Greece while the government will take steps to remove the trade barriers. Besides, the government has taken special initiatives to boost trade and investment.

Panos Kalogeropoulos said Greece is interested to increase trade with Bangladesh. The European country has sophisticated technologies for food processing and wants to work jointly with Bangladesh in this sector, said the envoy, adding that Greece is also interested in fish farming.

The envoy invited Bangladeshi representatives to participate the international trade show to be held in Greece in September next.

Senior officials of the commerce ministry were present at the meeting.

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