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The promise of private credit bureaus in BD

Zia Hassan Siddique | July 24, 2024 00:00:00

The recent move by Bangladesh Bank to establish private credit bureaus marks a significant step towards a more robust financial ecosystem. It is good is see that our Central Bank has taken this important step as Credit bureaus play a vital role in promoting access to finance, fostering economic growth, and ensuring responsible lending practices. This is indeed a very positive and timely step by the central bank.

Information asymmetry is a big challenge faced by the financial institutions. They often lack complete information about a borrower’s creditworthiness, making it difficult to assess risk and determine appropriate loan terms. This can lead to credit rationing, where access to finance is limited, and where borrowers with high-risk profiles are more likely to seek loans. Credit bureaus are institutions that collect and maintain data on the creditworthiness of individuals and businesses. This information is crucial for lenders when making decisions about extending credit. The presence of a reliable credit bureau can significantly reduce the information asymmetry between borrowers and lenders, leading to more efficient and safer credit markets. Credit bureaus help economic growth in various ways:

•FACILITATING ACCESS TO FINANCE: One of the primary benefits of credit bureaus is their ability to enhance access to finance. By providing detailed credit histories, they enable lenders to assess the risk of lending to individuals or businesses more accurately. This can lead to lower interest rates and more favourable loan terms for borrowers with good credit histories. In countries with well-established credit bureaus, credit access is broader, and lending practices are more inclusive.

• PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE BORROWING AND LENDING: By maintaining accurate and comprehensive credit records, Credit Bureaus incentivise borrowers to repay loans on time to maintain a good credit score. Similarly, lenders are encouraged to extend credit more judiciously, knowing that their lending decisions are tracked and reported. This creates a virtuous cycle of responsible financial behavior that benefits the entire economy.

• ENHANCING FINANCIAL STABILITY: By enabling more accurate risk assessment, credit bureaus help prevent the over-extension of credit, which can lead to financial crises. For example, during the 2008 financial crisis, one of the contributing factors was the lack of accurate information about borrowers’ creditworthiness, leading to excessive risk-taking by lenders. A well-functioning credit bureau can help mitigate such risks.

• PROMOTING COMPETITION AND INNOVATION: Private credit bureaus facilitate competition within the lending industry by providing a level playing field for lenders of all sizes. With access to comprehensive credit information, smaller lenders can compete effectively with larger institutions, fostering innovation and diversification in the financial sector. This competition drives down interest rates, improves service quality, and ultimately benefits consumers and businesses alike.

• EVOLUTION OF CREDIT BUREAUS: The concept of credit bureaus is not new, but their functions and significance have evolved over time. Early credit bureaus, established in the 19th century in the United States and Europe, primarily focused on commercial credit information. Over the years, they have expanded to include consumer credit information and have adopted advanced technologies to enhance their operations. This expansion was driven by the growing need for reliable credit information to support consumer lending.

In recent decades, technological advancements have transformed credit bureaus. The use of big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning has enabled credit bureaus to analyse vast amounts of data more efficiently and accurately. These technologies have also facilitated the inclusion of alternative data sources, such as utility payments and mobile phone usage, which can help assess the creditworthiness of individuals with limited credit histories.

l IMPORTANCE OF ADOPTING BEST PRACTICES IN BANGLADESH: As Bangladesh embarks on establishing private credit bureaus, it is crucial to learn from the experiences of other countries and adopt best practices that have proven effective. By doing so, Bangladesh can avoid common pitfalls and set up a credit bureau system that supports sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion.

Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and India have well-established credit bureau systems that can serve as models for Bangladesh. For instance, India’s Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) has played a significant role in expanding credit access and improving credit risk assessment in the country. By studying the regulatory frameworks, data collection methods, and technological advancements used in these countries, Bangladesh can adopt practices that are tailored to its unique context. While it is important to learn from global examples, it is equally important to customise solutions to fit the local context. Bangladesh has unique challenges, such as a large informal sector and limited financial literacy among the population. Therefore, the credit bureau system should be designed to address these challenges. This can include incorporating alternative data sources, promoting financial literacy, and ensuring that credit bureaus are accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individuals in rural areas.

• KEY LESSONS FOR BANGLADESH: As Bangladesh embarks on the journey of establishing private credit bureaus, it can draw valuable lessons from the experiences of other developing nations. Bangladesh must follow the key standard while setting up the credit Bureaus. These practices include:

Robust Legal and Regulatory Framework: Implementing a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework is crucial for the successful operation of private credit bureaus. This includes provisions for data protection, consumer rights, and fair lending practices, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Accuracy and Completeness of Credit Information: The accuracy and completeness of credit information are critical for fair and reliable credit assessments. Credit bureaus should establish rigorous data verification processes, incorporate multiple data sources, and provide mechanisms for individuals and businesses to dispute and correct inaccurate information.

Equitable and Non-Discriminatory Practices: Credit bureaus must ensure their practices are equitable and non-discriminatory, avoiding any bias based on factors such as gender, race, or ethnicity. Adhering to fair lending principles and regularly auditing credit assessment models for potential biases are crucial steps in promoting financial inclusion and equal opportunities. Moreover, consumers must have access to their credit reports and mechanisms to dispute incorrect information.

Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: Fostering collaboration among lenders, credit bureaus, regulators, and consumer advocacy groups is essential for creating an inclusive and efficient credit reporting system. Regular stakeholder consultations and feedback mechanisms can help address challenges and optimize the system.

Leveraging Technology and Alternative Data: Embracing innovative technologies and alternative data sources, such as mobile money transactions, utility payments, business transactions and social media data, can help expand credit assessments to underserved populations, promoting financial inclusion.

Consumer Education and Financial Literacy: Prioritising consumer education and financial literacy initiatives is vital for ensuring effective utilization of credit information. Consumers should understand the importance of credit scores, their rights, and how to maintain a healthy credit profile.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Establishing mechanisms for regular monitoring, auditing, and improvement of credit bureau operations is crucial. This includes addressing data accuracy issues, mitigating potential biases, and adapting to evolving market dynamics and technological advancements.

Bangladesh Bank's decision to establish private credit bureaus represents a giant step forward to foster a more inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystem. By bridging information gaps, mitigating risks, and promoting responsible borrowing, these institutions play a pivotal role in driving economic growth, financial inclusion, and overall societal well-being. By adhering to established principles, following best practices and partnering with global players, Bangladesh can unlock the full potential of private credit bureaus, paving the way for a more prosperous and financially inclusive future.

Zia Hassan Siddique, banker turned fintech entrepreneur. Co-founder of Dana Fintech, Bangladesh and Kube Innovation, UK.

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