Agriculture deserves to be recognised as a profession
The huge strides made by Bangladesh in agricultural production and productivity despite the gradual shrinking of cultivable land as well as adverse impacts of climate change have attracted the attention of the global community. Alongside the staple foodgrain paddy, the production of maze, wheat, vegetables, fruits, and even flowers have...
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Earth's biodiversity: A pivotal meeting at a pivotal time
The quality of the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink depend directly on the state of our biodiversity, which is now in severe jeopardy. We need a transformational change in our relationship with nature to ensure the sustainable future we want for ourselves and...
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Armistice Day centennial commemoration: Hopes and forebodings
The Armistice of November 11, 1918, a century ago, ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany. Also known as the Armistice of Compiegne based on the place where it was signed, it came into force at 11 am Paris...
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