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A transformational era in auditing

B K Mukhopadhyay | May 23, 2018 00:00:00

It is a well-known fact that for sound and effective functioning of government and to ascertain that the benefit of public funds being used reach the lowest strata of society and to every individual, audit is an indispensable tool. Be it a public, private or joint enterprise, it helps secure accountability of the executive to the Parliament and towards the public in general. The legislature can exercise control over the executives and verify that the public resources have been utilised responsibly, for the purpose intended and funds raised through various sources like taxes reach government fully. Having an effective audit system is important for a company because it enables it to pursue and attain its various corporate objectives. Business processes need various forms of internal control to facilitate supervision and monitoring, prevent and detect irregular transactions, measure ongoing performance, maintain adequate business records and to promote operational productivity.

With the passage of time, auditors are shouldering big responsibilities. It is not fault-finding, but fact-finding - auditing involves the review, analysis and evaluation of processes, products, services, systems, organisations and employees. Auditors have to assess the accuracy, validity, reliability, verifiability and timeliness of organisational information, plus the sources and processes by which that information is produced in, as much as management and external parties obtain an accurate assessment of the organisation under their stewardship. Auditors are free, without fear or favour to inspect an organisation's internal controls and the extent to which these controls manage an organisation's risk exposures. In depth look on internal controls help prevent the chance of theft of company's assets and prevent any sort of data manipulation. Proper checking brings in reliability so far as financial and operational reporting is concerned.

HISTORY OF AUDIT: The term Audit is derived from the Latin term 'audire', which means to hear. In the past, an auditor used to listen to the accounts read over by an accountant in order to check them. Auditing is as old as accounting. It was in use in all ancient countries such as Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt, Rome, UK and India. The Vedas contain reference to accounts and auditing. Arthasashtra by Kautilya detailed rules for accounting and auditing of public finances.

Auditing is a means of evaluating the effectiveness of a company's internal controls. Maintaining an effective system of internal controls is vital for achieving a company's business objectives, obtaining reliable financial reporting on its operations, preventing fraud and misappropriation of its assets, and minimising its cost of capital. Both internal and independent auditors contribute to a company's audit system in different but important ways.

Audit is an instrument, a tool of financial control, which is employed by the public or private sector or an individual to safeguard itself against fraud, extravagance and more importantly to bring credibility to the audited. According to International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, audit is defined as "Evaluation or examination of systems, operations and activities of a specific entity, to ascertain they are executed or they function within the framework of certain budget, objectives, rules and requirements." This is a modern definition of audit in Public sector and does not constrict itself with only cash audit.

INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AUDIT: Audit can be done internally by employees or heads of a department and externally by an outside firm or an independent auditor. The idea is to check and verify the accounts by an independent authority to ensure that all books of accounts are done in a fair manner and there is no misrepresentation or fraud that is being conducted. Internal auditors review the design of the internal controls and informally propose improvements, and document any material irregularities to enable further investigation by management if it is warranted under the ongoing facts and circumstances.

According to the Institute of Internal Auditors, "the role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance, and internal control processes are operating effectively." Internal audit is conducted objectively and designed to improve and mature an organisation's business practices. Internal auditing provides insight into an organisation's culture, policies, procedures, and aids board and management oversight by verifying internal controls such as operating effectiveness, risk mitigation controls, and compliance with any relevant laws or regulations.

Internal audit programmes are critical for monitoring and assuring that all of the business assets have been properly secured and safeguarded from threats, while verifying that the business processes reflect documented policies and procedures. The importance of internal audit can never be underestimated inasmuch as the same refers to vital areas like: providing objective insight, improving efficiency of operations, evaluating risks and protecting assets; assessing controls; ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

A recent PwC report identifies eight groups of technology that internal auditors need to learn, and learn to leverage - artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain, robotics, drones, 3D printing, and the internet of things. The typical internal audit team may have access or exposure to a more limited range of technology, PwC says, such as enterprise resource planning systems, cloud, and perhaps big data and data analytics.

That is why internal audit is an important function of any information security and compliance programme and is a valuable tool for effectively and appropriately managing risk.

It has been the right practice that companies often hire external auditors in addition to auditing themselves. External auditors are accountants, who work independently of a particular company, examine company records and operations to ensure that financial statements are accurate. External auditors are important for establishing business' credibility while ensuring compliance with tax laws.

TOWARDS AN IMPROVED FUTURE: Clearly, an audit system - either regulatory or operational (in the form of financial audit; audit of legality concordance; audit of efficacy or of programmes; audit of economy and efficiency; or in the form of audit of systems and procedures) - is crucial in preventing debilitating misstatements in a company's records and reports. Auditors have to carefully assess the risk of material misstatement in a company's financial reports in as much as without a system of internal controls or an audit system a company would not be able to create reliable financial reports crucial for internal or external purposes. The company has to determine how to allocate its resources; should be able to know which of its segments or product lines are profitable and which are not and should possess the ability to tell the status of its assets and liabilities as otherwise it would be suffering from reputation risk in the marketplace due to its inability to consistently produce its goods and services in a reliable fashion.

Realistically speaking, as of now we are in the midst of a transformational era in auditing. In January 2016, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, said that we are entering a fourth industrial revolution characterised by a range of new technologies that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. He notes that we are witnessing technological advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and quantum computing - just to name a few - that could transform every industry in every country. This perspective relates to the use of technology in the conduct of an audit.

Again, according to a recent report, the accounting profession spends approximately $3.0 billion to $5.0 billion a year on technology and it is now part of the new baseline of operational costs for the major firms. Deloitte Chief Executive Officer Cathy Engelbert recently stated, "[i]n the next five or six years I think that the accounting and auditing profession will change more than it has in the last 30 [years]." Obviously, new technological tools have the potential to enable the auditor to mine and analyse large volumes of structured and unstructured data related to a company's financial information. This capability may allow auditors to test 100 per cent of a company's transactions instead of only a sample of the population.

It has rightly been opined that though audit must be treated as an instrument for exercising control over processes, systems, finances and individuals to make governments and governing bodies more responsible towards the public and its resources, yet it cannot be considered as an end unto itself. Rather it serves as one of the means to reach the end. As educators, auditors play a vital role in furthering the integrity of financial statements and in promoting investor interests.

International bodies like International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and Intervencion General de la Administracion del Estado (IGAE) recommend the use of modern auditing practices.

Dr B K Mukhopadhyay, a management economist, is principal of ICFAI University in Tripura, India.

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