Regulatory predictability is a priority
Regulatory unpredictability is interpreted in different ways. Some may express it as a discretionary behaviour of the regulatory bodies, while some others may call it policy inconsistencies, instabilities or difficulties in getting updated and completed information regarding business regulations and so on. Whatever that may be, it poses serious problems...
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Refining business operations and consolidating efficiencies
The first international freight forwarders were hotels and inn-keepers in 19th century London. Their guests often carried substantial amounts of luggage which the inn keepers held and forwarded in cargo ships across the Atlantic. Over time, as steamships and regular rail transport made trade much more predictable, international freight forwarding...
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When slum-dwellers get legal WASA connections
Monowara Begum (30) has been living in the Beguntila slum in Mirpur for 12 years. Memories of the last rainy season still haunt her. The water she used to collect after waiting in long queue for hours was unsafe. As the water connections were illegal, these were drawn from unhygienic...
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