NPL: Introducing common valuation database for collateral securities
The heart of a bank is divided into two segments - deposits and loans. The principal objectives of a bank are to collect deposit from surplus portion (i.e. from the depositors) and supply the collected fund to the deficit portion (i.e. to the loanee). Loan or investment is the lifeblood...
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Savings certificates as part of social safety net
For the last few years, sales of savings certificates have been exceeding the targets fixed by the government in the annual budget. A section of intelligentsia and protagonists of the stock exchange raise brouhaha every year before the presentation of the annual budget demanding the reduction of interest paid against...
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From whispers to conversations
In most places in South Asia, menstruation is not really something that we want to talk about. For as long as I can remember, the topic has been shrouded in mystery, only making its way into a conversation through whispers and hushed tones. But I will speak up now because...
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