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Search date: 04-09-2018 Return to current date: Click here

News in Brief (4-09-2018)

September 04, 2018 00:00:00

'Very strong' typhoon Jebi on course to hit Japan

TOKYO, Sept 03: A typhoon that forecasters warned could be the strongest to hit Japan in 25 years barrelled directly towards the western part of the country Monday, sparking warnings of violent winds and prompting rail operators to scrap services. Typhoon Jebi is expected to make landfall around midday Tuesday near areas still recovering from deadly record rains last month. — AFP

China blocks Australian state broadcaster's website

SYDNEY, Sept 03: China has blocked access to the website of Australia's national broadcaster for breaching Beijing's internet rules and regulations, ABC said on Monday. It comes a year after the Australian Broadcasting Corporation began running a Chinese-language service. — AFP

Prison officers cane couple in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 03: Two Malaysian Muslim women convicted under Islamic laws for attempting to have sexual intercourse have been caned in a rare public whipping that was slammed by rights activists as a "grave miscarriage of justice." Lawyers and activists say more than 100 people witnessed the caning Monday . Muslim Lawyers' Association deputy president Abdul Rahim Sinwan said the women, aged 22 and 32, were given six strokes from a light rattan cane on their backs by female prison officers. — AP

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