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UK hospital releases ex-Russian spy's daughter

April 11, 2018 00:00:00

LONDON, Apr 10 (AP): British media report that Yulia Skripal, one of two Russians poisoned by nerve agent, has been released from the hospital.

BBC News said Tuesday the 33-year-old Skripal had been discharged from hospital and taken to a "secure" location on Monday.

Britain's Press Association says hospital officials plan to make an official statement shortly.

The British government is likely to keep details about her location secret given the sensitivity of the case.

Yulia Skripal was in critical condition after the March 4 nerve agent attack, apparently aimed at her father, former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

She has arrived on an Easter visit from Moscow the day before the attack.

He remains hospitalised but officials say he is improving rapidly.

Britain has accused the Russian government of masterminding the attack on the Skripals, who were found unconscious on a bench in the English city of Salisbury March 4.

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