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Rangpur Carmichael College students suffer for dearth of buses, dormitories

Our Correspondent | September 30, 2019 00:00:00

RANGPUR, Sept 29: The students of Rangpur Carmichael College have been suffering for long owing to acute dearth of college buses and dormitories.

Though the students of the century-old college are suffering much, the authority seems to be oblivious about the matter, students alleged.

Most of the students cannot use college buses, as those are always over-crowded especially during their peak hours, the students said, adding that many of the students take risk to travel by public buses.

According to sources, the college has only three buses for about 26,000 students. The buses are inadequate compared to the large number of students. The students often miss classes because of transport problems.

On the other hand, there are only four dormitories for the male students but one of them has remained closed for long. The rest three have very insufficient accommodation capacity.

There are three dormitories for female students on the campus which have very limited capacity in comparison with number of students coming from outside Rangpur, sources further said.

Most of the students have to reside in messes and rented houses in and outside the city while others come from outside the city area, they added.

The female students are the worst sufferers as they are often haunted by a sense of insecurity in the messes and rented houses and also have to spend a lot for traveling to the institution.

More than 15,000, out of nearly 26,000 students, come from outside the city and most of them cannot avail the college buses, college administration sources said.

The students who want to use the buses have to take seats about an hour before the departure, said the students, adding that sometimes they have to wait for long at different stoppages.

Aklima Khatun, a third year honors student of the Political Science Department, said she has to come to the college from Hajirhat of the town, 12 kilometres away from the campus. She has to spend Tk 50 to 60 in rickshaw fare to reach the college campus every day. Her poor father cannot afford it. So, she goes to the college three days a week.

Vice Principal of the college Amzad Hossain said it was one of the reputed colleges in the then British-ruled sub-continent. It was established in 1916. It still retains its glory despite all the limitations.

The college authority is constantly concerned at the problems the students face. They are trying their level best to ease the problem. Presently, two dormitories are under construction. They have already sent letters to the concerned ministry informing the matter, he added.

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