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Search date: 30-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Boat with over 50 migrants capsizes off Libyan coast

TRIPOLI, Sept 29 (Reuters): A boat with more than 50 people on board has capsized off the Libyan coast, the United Nations said on Saturday, the latest accident involving migrants trying to reach Europe.The exact location of the accident remains unclear, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said on Twitter. A...

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Our country at stake like never before: Trump

WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (AFP): President Donald Trump, the target of an impeachment inquiry over alleged abuse of power, warned supportersSaturday that "our country is at stake like never before."The video message posted on Twitter came in response to Democratic lawmakers' investigation of accusations that Trump tried to strong-arm the Ukrainian...

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S Korea expects 'transformation' in ties with North

SEOUL, Sept 29 (Xinhua): South Korea highly expected a "transformation" in relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), a senior South Korean government official said here on Friday. After South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly,...

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Netanyahu, Gantz trade blame over breakdown in talks

JERUSALEM, Sept 29 (AFP): Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Benny Gantz traded blame on Sunday over the failure so far of efforts to reach a unity government deal following deadlocked elections.A new round of negotiations between Netanyahu's right-wing Likud and Gantz's centrist Blue and White broke down...

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King Salman's bodyguard shot dead

RIYADH, Sept 29 (BBC): The bodyguard of Saudi King Salman has been killed by one of his friends after a "personal dispute", authorities say.Gen Abdel Aziz al-Fagham was visiting a friend when he had a row with Mamdouh bin Meshaal Al Ali on Saturday night.A police statement said Ali left...

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News in Brief (30-09-2019)

Syria demands withdrawal of US and Turkish forces againNEW YORK, Sept 29: Syrian officials have made similar threats in the past to push unauthorized forces from the country, but have never taken serious steps to do so. Syrian troops, which have been ground down by years of war and defections,...

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