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Search date: 07-07-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Increase in prices of medicines

July 07, 2019 00:00:00

I am an 85-year-old retired person. I have various medical problems. Daily I take 14 different medicines -- all tablets -- to treat my diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure and prostate complications.

On July 05, 2019 I bought a strip of 10 tablets. Earlier, it was priced at Tk 100 per strip. But that day the salesman of the pharmacy charged Tk 140 for one strip.

I think the government should consider tax on medicines in such a way that the prices do not increase by more than five per cent per medicine.

We, the elderly and retired persons with very limited income, have been badly

affected by the increase in prices of basic commodities. Once we used to contribute to the economy of the country through our hard work. But now we are helpless. We urge the government to take decisions so that we can live better.

SA Mansoor


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