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Search date: 07-07-2019 Return to current date: Click here

The gas tariff hike fallout

The fact that the fallout of the latest hike in gas prices would be more or less all-encompassing remains uncontested. Only the men who favoured the hike are considering it to be 'not a big deal'. But that does not anyway change the situation on the ground. A case in...

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Pension for the private sector employees

The government sought to make a law in 2015 to introduce a mandatory pension scheme for the private sector employees. It was aimed at helping the elderly people at the fag-end of their lives. But the plan could not be materialised as yet. People familiar with the developments say the...

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Saving the legacy of revering teachers

Showing respect to teachers has been an integral part of the sub-continental heritage for centuries. Irrespective of the social echelon to which a learner belongs, he or she used to demonstrate unalloyed esteem for a teacher. On occasions, they used to be regarded as persons much above their parents. An...

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Increase in prices of medicines

I am an 85-year-old retired person. I have various medical problems. Daily I take 14 different medicines -- all tablets -- to treat my diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure and prostate complications. On July 05, 2019 I bought a strip of 10 tablets. Earlier, it was priced at Tk...

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Popularity of Nagad

People across the country are already familiar with the names of mobile financial services (MFS) such as Dutch Bangla Bank's rocket, Brac Bank's bKash etc. Nagad is a new name to them.Being called the country's first Digital Financial Service (DFS), Bangladesh Post Office introduced Nagad on October 10, 2018. It...

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Social media and the young generations

21st century can be called the century of science and technology. Every day new inventions and innovations are coming up. These days we are better connected with each other through social media platforms. There are both good and bad sides to social media. A video clip showing the attack and...

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