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Social media and the young generations

July 07, 2019 00:00:00

21st century can be called the century of science and technology. Every day new inventions and innovations are coming up. These days we are better connected with each other through social media platforms.

There are both good and bad sides to social media.

A video clip showing the attack and murder of Rifat by Noyon Bond and his accomplices went viral overnight through Facebook. The video clip enraged the people of the country who became vocal, demanding the arrest and trial of Noyon and his accomplices. Under such circumstances, social media is making the population, especially the younger generations, more conscious about what is happening around them.

There is also a bad side to social media. Young users of social media often waste time on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube etc. As they are diverting their attention to these platforms, most of them have stopped reading books and newspapers. They are not interested in playing games outdoor or getting to know their neighbours and make new friends etc either. Posts and other items on social media are also frustrating many of them quite easily, leading to them taking extreme steps. Some have even gone as far as to commit suicide.

Prior to the emergence and popularity of social media, bonds and ties between family members and friends were stronger through better interaction. Now, it is often seen that four members of the same family stay in four rooms of the same house, busy browsing the social media platforms.

Social media has been a threat to the development of a physically and mentally-sound generation.

It is time all of us became conscious about the impacts of social media on our lives. We should use it for the betterment of our personal and social lives and not allow it to affect these.

Mubin Hasan Khan Ayon

ZH Shikder University of Science and Technology, Shariatpur

[email protected]

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