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A step towards global amity

Fouzia Fariha | January 04, 2018 00:00:00

DUMUNA Secretariat organisers, guests and delegates at the premises of Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Building.

With 500 delegates, Dhaka University National Model United Nations Associations (DUNMUNA) held its sixth edition "DUNMUN 2017", recently. This year DUNMUN came with a theme of "Towards Global Amity: Cooperation for Inclusive Future".

Dhaka University Model United Nations Association (DUMUNA) is a student based organisation that works for the intellectual and creative development of students under the concept of United Nations assemblies. It is dedicated to boost up the students' volunteerism, their creative faculties and rational qualities.

DUNMUN, first held in 2012, is the pioneer in the country's MUN circuit. To further stretch its innovation and influence, this year's session comprised of 10 specialised committees as well as an International Press (IP) delegation.

Professor Dr. Delwar Hossain, Department of International Relations, and Moderator of Dhaka University Model United Nations Association (DUMUNA) inaugurated the event. In his speech, Dr. Hossain referred to the impact DUNMUN has had since its inception, saying, "We were the first to initiate MUN in Bangladesh and now we see how much that has broadened; there are so many MUNs taking place here in schools and universities. From that perspective, we have achieved success."

Following him, the chief guest of the opening ceremony, Vice Chancellor (VC) of the University of Dhaka, Professor Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman, spoke to the audience. The VC articulated his vast knowledge of the UN and urged the delegates to understand the significance of their roles. At the end, he said, "Let us spread the culture of peace. Let us explore our collective wisdom."

With hope to conduct a successful MUN, where success is measured in learning the responsibilities of world leaders and not awards, Secretary General of DUNMUN 2017, Mustafa Amir Faysal officially declared the session open.

The first day of the MUN concluded with a social event dubbed "Global Village". The event featured some of the many talented musicians and dancers of Dhaka University and those involved with DUNMUN.

The delegates jumped straight back into business again the next day to exercise their skills in lobbying and bringing out the best possible solutions to a variety of issues and the day ended with another social event.

On the second day, the enthusiastic delegates dived into discussion in their respective committees. The committees had based their agendas on the impending crises and major issues that our world currently faces.

On the final day, the delegates worked together to produce draft resolutions. This, of course, was possible after multiple moderated and un-moderated caucus sessions on the previous days.

All the efforts that each committee had put in was set to the test in the plenary session at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban where the draft resolutions were read out and voted on. The excellent skills of the delegates became apparent as all the resolutions were passed.

Shawon Akhter Saurov, delegate of Peoples Republic of China of Security Council, who later went on to win the Outstanding Delegate award, said, "I have attended a lot of MUNs at both school and university levels. So far, I have found DUNMUN to be the best. I would like to thank the organisers for maintaining the standards."

The closing ceremony followed the plenary session. The chief guest of the ceremony was Nasrul Hamid, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. He motivated the audience to think, saying, "Effective accountability of justice and inclusivity directly affects human development and ensures the attainment of human well-being, and thereby ensure peaceful coexistence."

The other distinguished guests were, former Ambassador Farooq Sobhan; UN resident coordinator in Bangladesh Mia Seppo, and Professor Dr. Sayed Md. Saikh Imtiaz. After their inspiring speeches, the Secretary General declared the closing of DUNMUN 2017.

The awards ceremony afterward was a difficult time for the executive board members as they struggled to choose the top delegates from their committees. It was evident from the speeches of the chairpersons that all the performances were superlative. DUNMUN once again accomplished its goals in having the delegated activity participating in the educational simulation with a promise to continue its legacy in the coming years.

The writer is studying in Faculty of Business Studies at Department of Finance. She can be reached at fouziafariha@gmail.com

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