SCL rejoinder
May 10, 2019 00:00:00
With reference to the article titled, "Summit's FSRU fails to increase RLNG supply" published in the FE on May 08, Summit Corporation Ltd (SCL) has pointed out 'there seems to be major disconnect between the headline of the article and content where it emphasizes on the project management issues concerning building gas transmission pipeline by related government agencies.'
Actually, Summit LNG Terminal Co Ltd (SLNG) has begun commercial operation a month ahead of schedule saving resources for Bangladesh and is a source of gas supply to many of the homes and industries waiting for much needed supply, it noted.
The headline, the SCL stated, unnecessarily creates a wrong impression about Summit Group, "which should otherwise be praised for its effort for managing a highly complex project spanning three continents, numerous stakeholders, professionally delivering on time and providing regasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG) at a globally competitive price."