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Judicial officers can't use social media during office hour

FE Report | September 23, 2019 00:00:00

The Supreme Court administration on Sunday issued a guideline cutting down on the time for using social media by the judicial officers, allowing it outside the office hour only.

The guideline, formulated with the recommendation of the Supreme Court Special Committee for Judicial Reforms, was uploaded on the website of the SC on Sunday.

Disobeying the guideline will be considered as 'misconduct' and in this case, other acts along with the Bangladesh Judicial Service Rules 2017 will also be effective, the guideline reads.

The judicial officers are strictly instructed to avoid using social media from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm in order to ensure optimum use of office hours, also read the guideline.

As per the guideline, the judicial officers will have to avoid expressing and disseminating any information and commentary adverse to the national unity.

"They cannot express in social media any information, commentary and feelings that can hurt any religious community or any political views and discussions discriminatory and humiliating for any community or any person or any institution or the state," said the guideline.

The judicial officers have been instructed not to express in social media any information, commentary and feelings which is gender biased or which can cause public discontent and resentment.

They cannot express any personal feelings about any case and cannot publish any picture and video clip of any judge of the Supreme Court.

They also have been instructed not to publish any irrelevant, unnecessary, defamatory and unethical status, post, link and pictures in the social media.

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