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Search date: 23-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here

N Korea welcomes Trump's call for 'new method' at talks

SEOUL, Sept 22 (Reuters): North Korea's chief nuclear negotiator welcomed on Friday US President Donald Trump's suggestion that a "new method" be used in talks on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programmes.Kim Myong Gil praised Trump's "wise political decision" to seek a new approach to the stalled talks without a "troublemaker" in...

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HK protests violent again

HONG KONG, Sept 22 (AP): Protesters in Hong Kong trampled a Chinese flag, vandalized a subway station and set a fire across a wide street on Sunday, as pro-democracy demonstrations took a violent turn once again. The day's action began peacefully, as protesters filled a shopping mall and, in a...

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Jailed Tunisian optimistic about winning presidency

PARIS, Sept 22 (AP): Jailed Tunisian media magnate Nabil Karoui said he's "reasonably optimistic" about winning Tunisia's presidential runoff, where he is facing independent law professor Kais Saied. They beat out two dozen other candidates in the first-round of voting on Sept. 15. No date has been set yet for...

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UN welcomes Huthi offer to halt attacks on S Arabia

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 22 (AFP): The United Nations envoy for Yemen welcomed Saturday an offer from the country's Huthi rebels to halt all attacks on Saudi Arabia, saying it could bring an end to years of bloody conflict.Implementation of the initiative by the Huthis "in good faith could send a...

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Sudan's new PM launches probe into deaths of protesters

CAIRO, Sept 22 (AP): Sudan's newly appointed prime minister is launching an independent investigation into June's deadly crackdown on protesters that killed dozens. Abdalla Hamdok said late Saturday the seven-member committee includes a top judge, an independent figure and two attorneys. The justice, defense and interior ministries will be represented...

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Modi assures Kashmiris of new Kashmir

HOUSTON, Sept 22 (PTI): Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a "special interaction" with a 17-member delegation of Kashmiri Pandits here and assured them of "building a new Kashmir" which would be for everyone.The delegation, which included Kashmiri Pandits from across the US, met Prime Minister Modi on his arrival...

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French police arrest 137 'Yellow Vest' protesters

PARIS, Sept 22 (Xinhua): French police had arrested 137 individuals in Paris by 16:00 local time (1400 GMT), as "Yellow Vest" protests against President Emmanuel Macron's fiscal policy hit streets again on Saturday. Citing the Paris police department, BFMTV news channel said 48 of the 137 individuals detained remained under...

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News in Brief -(23-09-2019)

Israel president begins talks to form new govt JERUSALEM, Sept 22: Israeli President Reuven Rivlin began two days of crucial talks on Sunday with party leaders before selecting his candidate for prime minister, after a deadlocked repeat election was set to make forming any new government a daunting task. Israel's...

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