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Interviewing candidates by Tarique illegal: Quader

November 20, 2018 00:00:00

Awami League (AL) general secretary Obaidul Quader claimed on Monday the process of taking nomination seekers' interview by 'fugitive convict and corrupt' BNP leader Tarique Rahman is illegal, report agencies.

"Our question is how a convicted man can participate in election activities sitting in London. It's clearly a violation of the electoral code of conduct," he said.

While speaking at a press conference at the AL president's Dhanmondi political office, the ruling party leader also urged the Election Commission to take proper action in this regard. "We hope the EC will look into the issue."

Without naming BNP, Quader alleged a party is trying to foil the election under the banner of Oikya Front.

"When a congenial environment is prevailing for a fair election, the party gathered its leaders and terrorists in the name of providing nomination forms, attacked police and burned their vehicles even after the announcement of the election schedule which left 20 policemen injured," he said.

Meanwhile, Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim urged the Election Commission (EC) on Monday to take action against acting BNP chairperson Tarque Rahman for breaching the electoral code of conduct.

"The Election Commission (EC) should take stern action against Tarque Rahman as he is speaking, violating the electoral code of conduct," he said.

The minister came up with the remarks while talking to reporters at the inaugural session of "Digital Health Service Programme" at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital in the city.

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