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Search date: 20-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Taliban confirm peace talks with US envoy

KABUL, Nov 19 (Agencies): The Taliban held talks with US officials in Qatar on ending the Afghan conflict last week, the militants confirmed on Monday, but said no agreement was reached on "any issue".The statement comes a day after US envoy Zalmay Khalilzad expressed hopes in Kabul that a peace...

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Lankan Speaker adjourns parliament after just five minutes

COLOMBO, Nov 19 (AFP): Sri Lanka's parliament was adjourned after just five minutes on Monday after opening for the first time since MPs brawled and threw objects at each other last week.The island has been politically paralysed since October 26 when President Maithripala Sirisena sacked prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and...

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Pak minister slams Trump over 'tirade'

ISLAMABAD, Nov 19 (IANS): A day after Donald Trump claimed that Pakistan "does not do anything" for the US, Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari reminded the President about the human losses incurred by Islamabad over the years."The loss of Pakistani lives in the US War on Terror, the free...

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Austria's Turkish community anxious for citizenship

VIENNA, Nov 19 (AFP): Alper Yilmaz has no doubt where his home is. "My homeland is Austria, Vienna," he says.But with a far-right party sharing power and anti-immigration sentiment generally on the rise in Austria, Yilmaz - along with potentially thousands of other Austrians with Turkish roots - is worried...

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Hong Kong activists on trial for 'Umbrella' protests

HONG KONG: Nov 19 (BBC): Nine pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong have pleaded not guilty in a trial seen as a test of judicial independence from Beijing.They have been charged with "public nuisance" over the 2014 "Umbrella" movement that demanded Hong Kong choose its own leader.Three of those accused founded...

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Houthis halt attacks on Saudi coalition

SANAA, Nov 19 (Reuters): Yemen's Houthi movement said on Monday it was halting drone and missile attacks on Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and their Yemeni allies, responding to a demand from the United Nations.International pressure has mounted on Yemen's warring parties to end the war that has killed...

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Israel avoids snap polls

JERUSALEM, Nov 19 (AFP): A key Israeli minister said on Monday he will not quit Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition for now despite sharp disagreements, potentially ending a crisis that has threatened to topple the government and provoke snap polls.The announcement by Education Minister Naftali Bennett was a dramatic climbdown...

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Russia, Iran, Turkey to hold Syria talks next week

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, Nov 19 (AFP): Russia, Iran and Turkey will hold the next round of talks on Syria's conflict on November 28-29 in the Kazakh capital Astana, Kazakhstan's foreign minister said on Monday."The participants plan to discuss the current situation in Syria, in particular in Idlib, creating conditions for the...

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News in Brief (20-11-2018)

Cambodia will not allow Chinanaval base on its soilPHNOM PENH, Nov 19: Cambodia will not allow foreign military bases on its soil, strongman premier Hun Sen said on Monday, swatting away US concerns about a possible Chinese naval site near hotly contested seas. China has lavished billions of dollars in...

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