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Thrust on promoting poultry sector to cut protein deficiency

August 25, 2019 00:00:00

Scientists and researchers have stressed the need for further promoting the country's poultry sector to build a healthy and stronger nation through cutting the existing protein deficiency.

Importance should be given on boosting the production of poultry birds as they are the vital sources of egg which is a balanced food to all irrespective of ages and season, they viewed.

They came up with the observation while addressing a seminar titled "Management of Lohmann Layer in Hot Climate". Nahar Agro Group (NAG) and Germany's Lohmann jointly organised the daylong event at a hotel in Rajshahi city, reports BSS.

Chaired by NAG Deputy Managing Director Saiful Alam, the seminar was addressed, among others, by General Manager Abdul Hai, Deputy Director of Department of Livestock Services Kolyan Kumar Fouzder and District Livestock Officer Dr Humayun Kabir as resource persons.

Around 200 persons including poultry farmers, distributors and sales representatives from different districts under the division joined the seminar.

"Egg is an essential and complete food. Therefore everyone of any age should eat egg regularly. Lets live a healthy life" was the main theme of the programme.

In his remarks, Kolyan Kumar Fouzder highlighted salient features of egg and its nutritive values and said regular egg intake is very much important for maintaining sound health.

He clarified that consumption of egg enhances power and capacity of all major organs of human body and without it he or she faces problem of nutrition deficiency.

Referring to various research findings Kolyan Fouzder said egg is relatively low in calories and saturated fat and rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrients, which are good for the eyes, choline, which is needed by nerves and the brain.

"Most of the cholesterol that circulates in our bodies is not from cholesterol in foods, but rather from our liver making cholesterol in response to high intake of saturated and trans fat," he added.

Dr Humayun Kabir said the perception that regular egg consumption leads to heart diseases has been proved incorrect and suggested regular intake of egg, especially by pregnant women and growing children.

However, average egg consumption by a person in Bangladesh is only 70 eggs a year whereas the FAO recommends 104. He said reasons behind low intake are economic status, low production and misconception.

Consumption of egg has no significant link with heart diseases, added Dr Kabir.

Daily demand for egg in Bangladesh is 18.2 million (1.82 crore), but production is 19.2 million (1.92 crore). Instability of price of egg affects the poultry farmers and this needs to be addressed on an urgent basis.

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