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Palestine won’t register US citizens in Jerusalem

September 05, 2019 00:00:00

RAMALLAH, Sept 04 (Xinhua): Palestinian foreign ministry on Wednesday confirmed its absolute rejection of the US administration's intention to register its citizens born in Jerusalem as Israelis on their passports and identity papers.

The ministry considered the step as "an emphasis by the administration of President Donald Trump to antagonize Palestinian people and undermine any chance for peace on the basis of a two-state solution."

Israeli media reported on Tuesday that the US administration is considering to allow US citizens born in Jerusalem to list "Jerusalem, Israel" on their passports.

Israeli websites quoted US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as saying that "we're constantly evaluating the way we handle what can be listed on passports."

The PA Foreign Ministry statement said "just thinking in this direction is a violation of international law and international legitimacy decisions."

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