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Search date: 05-09-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Dealing with the pressure of university admission tests

University admission season is arguably one of the most stressful and pivotal parts in a student's life. Academic and career dreams are realised or broken based on how a student performs in these tests. As this year's university admission tests draw closer, there are some things all candidates should be...

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Mastering the art of multitasking

Multitasking is simply defined as the practice of carrying out multiple tasks at once. While many consider it a myth, to others it is a lifesaver. To many, there is no such thing as multitasking and focusing on one thing at a time is their mantra. There are multiple researches...

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Youths learn from stock market simulation challenge

The grand finale of Optimity 2019, an investment and portfolio management content, took place in North South University on August 29.Organised by North South University Finance Club, this month-long competition brought out impressive performances from undergraduate students countrywide-- helping them learn about investment management in the process. Successful for three...

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