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Yemen govt rules out talks with separatists

September 05, 2019 00:00:00

DUBAI, Sept 04 (AFP): Yemen's internationally recognised government on Wednesday ruled out talks with separatists who have seized key parts of the south, saying it will talk only with their main backer, the UAE.

"If there is to be a dialogue, it will be with the United Arab Emirates under the supervision of Saudi Arabia, taking into consideration the Emirates is the main factor in the conflict between us and them," Yemen's vice prime minister, Ahmed al-Maisari, said.

"There was not and there will not be any sit-down with the so-called Southern Transitional Council (STC) whatsoever," he said in a voice recording uploaded to the interior ministry's YouTube channel.

"We don't want to sit with the tools but with the owners of the tools."

The UAE has trained and supported secessionists who seek an independent southern Yemen, despite being a key pillar in a Saudi-led military coalition backing the government against Iran-aligned Huthi rebels.

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