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Search date: 07-01-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Bitter gourd farmers happy with market price in Bogura, Magura

BOGURA, Jan 06: The bitter gourd farmers are happy over fair market price as well as good output in Bogura district this season. Each maund of bitter gourd is being sold at Tk 1400 to 1500 in the wholesale markets. In retail market it sells at Tk 35 to 40...

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Santahar-Rohanpur rly track desire of Rajshahi people

RAJSHAHI, Jan 06: A long cherished desire of millions of people of Rajshahi will be fulfilled if a project, left abandoned for the last 108 years, is implemented. With the construction of railway track under Rajshahi Western zone railway from Rohanpur of Chapainawabganj to Santahar junction under Adamdighi of Bogura,...

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Abundant potato production likely in Naogaon

NAOGAON, Jan 06: Cultivators and local agro-officials are expecting a bumper potato production across the district this season. Sources at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said, a total of 21,000 hectares of land have been brought under potato cultivation in the eleven upazilas of the district against the official...

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Boro paddy cultivation in full swing in Sylhet region

SYLHET, Jan 06: Farmers in different areas in all the four districts of Sylhet division have got engaged in Boro paddy cultivation in Sylhet region. A total of 179,123 hectares of land had so far been brought under cultivation in the division, officials and farmers informed on Sunday. DAE's Additional...

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50,000 pieces of blankets distributed in Rangpur

RANGPUR, Jan 06 (BSS): The district administration already completed distribution of 50,000 pieces of blankets, allocated by the government, among the cold-stricken people of the district to mitigate their sufferings."We have completed distribution of 50,000 pieces of blankets and sought allocation of more 50,000 pieces of blankets and other warm...

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