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Bridge without approach road in Sirajganj

Commuters from five villages suffer as they cross it thru bamboo bridge

November 08, 2020 00:00:00

Photo shows a man crossing the bridge through the bamboo-made temporary bridge on Ruposhi-Pakurtala road in the Ghatabari area of Jalalpur union in Shahjadpur upazila of Sirajganj — FE Photo


SIRAJGANJ, Nov 07: Hundreds of commuters of Jalalpur union under Shahjadpur upazila of Sirajganj district are suffering much in absence of an approach road with a bridge for two years.

People have to cross through the bamboo bridge on the paved bridge as soil of both sides of the bridge washed away with the stream of rain.

The elderly, women and children have to endure extreme hardships to navigate through bamboo bridges. Sometimes they fall down losing their body balance while crossing the temporary bamboo bridge.

According to locals the bridge was built two years ago on the Ruposhi-Pakurtala road in Ghatabari area of Jalalpur union in Shahjadpur upazila of Sirajganj.

The 40-foot concrete bridge was constructed with disaster management funding. But as there is no connecting road on both sides, people from five villages of Jalalpur, Ghatabari, Pakurtala, Baikhola and Kuthirpara of Jalalpur union of the upazila are crossing the bridge every day by through the dangerous bamboo bridge.

Rabiul Islam, Suruj Ali Pramanik and chan and Alam Sheikh of Pakurtala village said while crossing the bridge, "We have been suffering for two years whenever we cross the bridge for our daily necessary works." "Especially old and school- going children are having more difficulty in travelling." they added.

Locals further said after the construction of the bridge, a small amount of soil was removed. As a result, at the beginning of the monsoon, it breaks down and becomes unusable. For the next two years, the locals have been making money by building bamboo bridges on both sides of the bridge.

Amjad Ali, a grocer in Kuthirpara, said no vehicle could ply directly on the bridge as there was no connecting road for two years. They have to carry rice, oil and other necessities and heavy goods on their heads.

It is very difficult for us. Therefore, the people of five villages have strongly demanded of the authority concerned to construct connecting roads on both sides of the bridge as early as possible.

Sultan Mahmud, chairman of Jalalpur Union said the ground was filled after the bridge was built. But it was broken by the flood waters. When the flood waters recede, the soil will be filled again and made suitable for movement.

Upazila Project Implementation Officer AbulKalam Azad said it was broken by the intense pressure of the flood waters. After recession of water, the initiative of dumping soil would be started for easy movement of commuters.

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