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Call to raise voice against food adulteration

March 15, 2018 00:00:00

RAJSHAHI, Mar 14 (BSS): Speakers at a workshop in the district called for raising voice against food adulteration for the greater interests of consumers rights protection.

They viewed that if the people forge social resistance against the food adulteration, none can dare to commit such crimes.

Besides, proper enforcement of the Consumers' Rights Protection (CRP) Law could be the vital means of protecting the consumers' rights with freeing people from affecting by any food poisoning and other contamination.

The observation came at the daylong workshop styled "Institutional Development and Role and Responsibilities of Consumers Committee" at Barnoi conference hall of Paba upazila council on Monday.

Paba unit of Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) and Issue-based Project on Food Safety Governance in Poultry Sector jointly organised the workshop in association with UKaid and British Council.

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