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Country witnesses significant success in health sector, say speakers

January 07, 2018 00:00:00

RAJSHAHI, Jan 6 (BSS): Speakers at a seminar here on Saturday said the country witnessed a significant success in health sector with reducing heart diseases by making collective efforts of both public and private sectors.

The observation came in the seminar on risks of heart diseases, prevention and control arranged by Local unit of National Heart Foundation (NHF) at Conference Hall of Rajshahi College.

Former Director of National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and Research Professor Nazrul Islam presented the keynote paper on heart attack along with its preventive measures.

Speakers identified hypertension, uncontrolled diabetes, obesity and smoking as the major risk factors of the disease.

They pointed out some other factors like lack of exercise, habit of eating fast food, taking soft drinks or various drugs and drinking alcohol as largely responsible for heart ailments.

Professor Islam said changing of life-style, proper control of blood glucose and hypertension and treatment of lipid disorders can help reduce the risk factors of heart attack.

He urged all concerned to have faith on the local heart disease management facilities instead of going frequent abroad for treatment at the cost of huge money.

Local NHF President Professor Entazul Haque and its general secretary Enamul Haque, Rajshahi College Principal Professor Habibur Rahman and its vice-principal Professor Al Faruque Chowdhury also spoke.

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