Erosion by river Ghaghot renders over 60 families homeless | Published: July 30, 2015 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

RANGPUR, July 29: Erosion by the river Ghaghot rendered over 60 families homeless at Monglakuti Ujanpara area at Koikuri union under Pirgachha upazila in the district during last one week.
Due to erosion crop fields, vegetable gardens and other farmlands under the areas have also been devoured by the ferocious river.
The existence of a number of institutions, establishments and farmlands, homesteads are now under the threat of extinction. Several hundreds family are under the threat of erosion.
While visiting some of the affected areas on Tuesday this correspondent found a number of villagers taking shelter on the embankment and roads. Many dwellers said they have been   passing days in misery and anxiety.
Shah Alam 50, a victim of Ujanpara village under the upazila said that Ghaghot devoured his house leaving him a destitute. Besides 30 decimals of his croplands were engulfed by the river, he lamented.
A good number of affected people said that Ghaghot engulfed everything on its bank and they hardly could save their household belongings from the erosion of the river.
The homeless families said that they have been suffering much due to lack of food and shelter but have not been getting any help from the government. They apprehended that erosion in adjacent areas might further deteriorate.
Locals alleged that they have informed the higher authorities of the problems but no steps have so far been taken in this regard.
Chairman of  Koikuri Union Parishad Shafiqul Islam Lebu said Erosion by the mighty river  has taken a serious turn during last few days, posing serious threat to many valuable establishments in different villages under the  upazila.
The people of the areas have made a fervent appeal to the government to take immediate measures to save their lives and properties from erosion.

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