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Jashore's Abhaynagar upazila

Fragile bamboo bridge lone means for 20,000 villagers

OUR CORRESPONDENT | June 21, 2024 00:00:00

Villagers cross the risky bamboo bridge over the Teka River at Bedvita village in Abhaynagar upazila of Jashore district.

BENAPOLE, June 20: Want of a permanent bridge over a river at Bedvita village in Abhaynagar upazila of Jashore has made 20,000 villagers suffers for a long time.

The locals have to cross the river by using a makeshift bamboo bridge whose condition is also fragile posing risks for mishap any moment.

Sources said it is not possible to construct a road or bridge in the area due to persistent water logging in Bhavadah.

In the current situation, the lone weak bamboo bridge is the only way of communication for around 20,000 people living in the neglected Bedvita village.

There are no efforts in sight to construct the most needed bridge over the Teka River immediately.

In absence of the bridge, during monsoon, people have to cross the river by boat risking their lives. And during the dry season, bamboo planks are the hope for movement.

The Teka and Shree rivers flow six kilometres west of Bhavadahl, which is about seven kilometres south of Nawapara in Abhaynagar upazila.

Flooding and other natural calamities cause inundation in the region with river water for most of the year.

At that time, the only reliable means of transportation for the villagers is boat.

But at the beginning of the dry season, due to fall in the water level in the river, the people have to go on foot from the upazila's Dumurtala, Chalishia, Andha, Bagdah, Payra, Kota, Mashiati, Sundali villages and other areas to the district town and Abhaynagar upazila headquarters.

As there is no direct road for vehicular movement, the people of Bedbita village have to move through this bamboo bridge.

Farmers have been deprived of fair price of their produce for a long time as they cannot market those in right time and right way for want of an easy communication system.

Locals have been raising the demand for construction of a permanent bridge

over the river for a long time, but of no use.

Many people like Jatindranath, Tapan Kumar Dhar, Mozahar Hossain, Shariful Islam, Rafiqul Islam, Jasim Uddan, Ranjit Mallik, Din Mohammad, Mozahar Hossain said as there is no permanent bridge over the river it is very difficult for them to move almost all the year round.

Especially during the monsoon, they have to worry about their school and college-going boys and girls.

Noor Islam, headmaster of Bedvita Government Primary School, said, "This village is a much neglected area. The condition of the roads here is bad. School students have to face a lot of trouble to commute."

Union Parishad Chairman Abdul Mannan said, "The area is a low lying one. Due to waterlogging, the residents have to rely on boats and bamboo bridge during monsoon and dry season respectively. There is a primary school here."

He urged the authorities concerned to look into the matter whether the bridge or a road can be constructed immediately.

Abhaynagar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mejbah Uddin said, "Due to natural problems, the contractor firm does not agree to do any work in the area. Measures will be taken regarding the construction of a bridge or culvert subject to discussion and investigation."

Abhaynagar Upazila Chairman Shah Farid Jahangir said, "Many bridges, culverts and roads have been constructed by the present government. I'm continuing efforts to build roads and culverts in the village. However, Bedvita village in Bhavadah is lagging behind in development."

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