Jhenidah passport office earns Tk 95.54m in revenue in 2018

Our Correspondent | Published: January 08, 2019 20:38:40

Jhenidah passport office earns Tk 95.54m in revenue in 2018

JHENIDAH, Jan 08: Jhenidah regional passport office earned a total of Tk 95.54 million in revenue issuing 29,000 passports in 2018.
A total of 30,625 passport applications were submitted to the office last year.
And in December last the office received a total of 2,476 passport applications from aspirants.
Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) of Jhenidah Regional Passport Office Md Azizul Haque Khan said, the office earned a total of Tk 380.56 million in revenue since the office started operating in 2014 in Jhenidah.
A total of 1,03,000 passport applications were submitted during these four years while over 98,000 persons got passports prepared by the regional office.
The rest applications were rejected due to concealment of applicants' information which they earlier provided to get their first passports.
Some applicants who have cases in police stations were also denied machine readable passports.
Activities in Jhenidah passport office are now being conducted in a broker-free environment, said the official.
Some passport aspirants said the quality of customer service has improved in the office.
At present, customers do not have to resort to brokers spending more money to get passports.
A passport is available within 21 working days at a cost of Tk 3,450 and an emergency passport within three working days for Tk 6,950.


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