Roving Correspondent
NAOGAON, Jun 09: Sugarcane farmers of Raninagar upazila in the district are worried due to massive leaf die disease this season.
In this connection, a good number of farmers claimed that they do not get any support from the local agri office.
In a recent visit in Chakadin, Bhadurpur, Chalkmunu and Kashimpur area of the upazila this correspondent found that peasants were spraying pesticide on their sugarcane field.
"I am growing sugarcane on two and a half bighas of land spending Tk 15,000 this season but leave die disease affected my land," said farmer Abu Bakkar of Bahdurpur village.
The grower further said, "I did not any help from the officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) in this connection."
Farmer Marjin Begum of Chalkmunu village said she has brought some three bighas of land under the farming of sugarcane.
"I expected a bumper production of the crop but leaf die of disease faded my hope", she added.
Upazila agriculture officer SM Golam Sarwar said the soil of the upazila is not suitable for growing sugarcane.
He denied the allegation growers made against them.
He said adverse weather condition is the main reason of leaf die disease.
‘Leaf die’ disease worries Naogaon sugarcane farmers
FE Team | Published: June 09, 2018 21:22:30
‘Leaf die’ disease worries Naogaon sugarcane farmers
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