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New fish production method gains popularity in Gopalganj

Our Correspondent | September 22, 2019 00:00:00

GOPALGANJ, Sept 21: Net pen culture method for fish production is gaining popularity among the local fish cultivators in the district.

According to the district fisheries department, a total of 2,000 hectares area of water bodies in five upazilas in the district are being used for fish cultivation this year with the production target of 1,481 tonnes.

Anjan Biswas, senior upazila fisheries officer of Gopanganj Sadar, said net pen culture method for fish production is easy and requires minimum expenditure. A cultivator can earn Tk 0.15 million from five hectares of water body area in six months.

Fish cultivator Kamal Khan of Singairkul under Sadar upazila said he has been cultivating fish under the technique for the last five years. It requires low cost but ensures a healthy return.

Narayan Chandra Mondal, district fisheries officer, said net pen culture method is profitable for the fish cultivators.

Under the method, a farmer can cultivate varieties of fish in a small or a big water body in the rainy season.

Around 5,000 fish farmers of the district are now applying the technique to make more profit, he added.

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