‘Nilphamari has potential to benefit from bio-gas projects’

Our Correspondent | Published: September 29, 2019 21:59:41

‘Nilphamari has potential to benefit from bio-gas projects’

NILPHAMARI, Sept 29: Nilphamari district has immense potential to benefit from bio-gas projects. But production of environment-friendly biogas plant from cattle dung is still neglected in the area.
Speakers said this at a seminar arranged by local NGO Daridra Bimachon Sangstha.
The speakers said bio-gas is a renewable source of energy that can be used as fuel for cooking, lighting and running vehicles.
Secretary of the organisation Mominul Hoque said bio-gas has great potential as alternative source of energy in the district as nearly 4.0 million kgs of cattle dung are available here per day from 0.2 million cattle.
This huge quantity of cattle dung can be used to establish 0.1 million bio-gas plants beside the homesteads of remote villages and char areas.
Also the treated cattle dung can be utilised again as compost fertilizer to be used in the cropland.
Sources said a biogas plant cost Tk 30,000 to Tk 50,000 according to its size to be setup for generating clean energy.
Sources said the government used to give 50 per cent subsidy to the owner of a plant and the rest amount has to be borne by the owner.
Sources said but the project seems to have been abandoned now.


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