Project to welcome migratory birds

Roving Correspondent | Published: February 11, 2019 21:17:12

A flock of migratory birds flying over a vast waterbody under Mohadebpur upazila of Naogaon district — FE Photo

NAOGAON, Feb 11: With arrival of bone chilling cold across Siberia and other countries, the migratory birds have started coming to vast water body in Mohadebpur upazila, a sanctuary for birds, under Naogaon district.
The bird loving visitors arrive here to enjoy the natural beauty of the migratory birds from the very early in the morning to late at night.
Meanwhile, the authorities concerned have launched a project aiming to create a congenial atmosphere, by providing shelter and food through planting a variety of local trees, for the guest birds.
During a recent visit at the sanctuary for birds the correspondent has come to know that the birds start to migrate from late November and stay till April in a bid to protect themselves from the terrible cold of the northern countries.
There are numerous trees like banyan, blackberry, mango, jackfruit and many birds who lived on their fruits and used to take shelter on the trees, but due to unwise felling of trees many birds disappeared.
President of the sanctuary Nazmul Islam said around 30,000 guest birds arrived in the area this winter. The upazila administration took a project titled 'Save the Natural Forest' ensuring food and shelter to the guest birds, he added.
"I came from nearby Atrai upazila to enjoy the guest birds enduring much hassle for the bad road conditions," said tourist Tahmid Haque Iram. "The authority concerned through much attention to the migratory birds has increased the natural beauty." he added.
Upazila administration official said arrival of guest birds increased a lot in recent days after the district administration took a project titled 'Programme for Creating Natural Forest.'

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